Can You Get Reimbursed For Pain and Suffering With a Car Accident?

Car accidents are notorious for serious injuries that can disable a person, hinder their ability to work and bring home an income, and leave lasting impressions that change a person’s life permanently. This is why it is important for an injured party to look at all the options with our qualified attorneys before making a decision or simply agreeing to an immediate insurance coverage offer.

Most accidents are addressed by insurance policies covering the cars involved, not the parties who were driving the vehicles. And insurance companies make it a point to reduce their losses where possible, even through fast settlements. While it might seem helpful to accept funds up front, an injured party could be waiving the opportunity to obtain greater recoveries down the line by simply taking an insurance discharge. But most folks don’t know this, and assume that taking the funds will solve their immediate financial needs since they are likely out of work and stuck with medical bills.

A lawyer experienced in motor vehicle accident injuries can go through all the possible strategies of an accident recovery and address all damages possible. That includes physical pain and suffering, medical bills for immediate treatment, rehabilitation and long-term care. It also includes mental injuries, income losses from not being able to work or loss of ability to function as before. Injuries can be long lasting and immediate. These areas are recoverable through financial means as well. If you’re in an accident, let a qualified attorney look at the details before you accept payment from an insurance company. The information provided will give you a new perspective on recovery, as well as what your options are going forward.