Will the Safe System Approach Reduce Traffic Accidents and Fatalities?
Wouldn’t it be nice to travel on U.S. roads and not be traumatized by a serious accident scene or have to worry about being in a life-altering crash? The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe System Approach (SSA) and National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) are intended to greatly decrease the risks on American roads and when…
Read MoreDesigning Safer Roads in Huntsville, Alabama, and All Over the Country
“America is moving again and your life is going to change for the better.” In November of 2021, President Biden said these words and signed the hefty Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The world seemed to stop moving in the spring of 2020 when COVID-19 forced everyone to stay home. Public transportation was void of…
Read MoreThe Real Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Certain dangers are hard to take seriously when one knows (or thinks they know) they aren’t likely to actually happen. And the more dangerous something is, the less likely someone expects to face it. No one should live in constant fear or paranoia, but that doesn’t mean taking certain precautions is unreasonable or unnecessary —…
Read MoreMy Best Friend Wrecked My Car; Whose Insurance Pays?
Accidents happen, and depending on the circumstances, they can turn into minor embarrassments or major, life-altering occurrences and a million other things in between. When accidents involve motor vehicles, they become dangerous events with expensive, painful consequences that someone must pay for one way or another. Between injuries, property damage, lost wages, and any other…
Read MoreResidential Fires Are Not Always a Resident’s Fault
Few forces are more destructive and dangerous than fires and explosions. If they don’t take your life, they can leave you disfigured and disabled for years and years to come. As children, we’re taught certain ways to avoid burns in general, but adults have much more to worry about — accidentally creating the fire itself.…
Read MoreAnother Day, Another Reason Not to Use Self-Driving Technology
Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year, so we understand the urge to take steps to avoid the hassle where you can. Perhaps that means traveling in the dead of night, or choosing to celebrate the holiday over the weekend. For one driver on the West Coast, it meant utilizing their Tesla’s “full…
Read MoreThe Dangers of Infant Milk Formulas
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) started receiving complaints in late 2021 that infants who ingested baby formulas made by Abbott Nutrition were being infected with dangerous bacteria that can cause gastronomical distress, sepsis, and death. The bacteria, Cronobacter, found in the Abbott Nutrition baby formulas, has a mortality rate of up to 40 percent.…
Read MoreWhat Happens to Workers’ Compensation When You Reach MMI?
Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) is a term frequently used in workers’ compensation cases. It refers to the point where a worker’s injuries will not improve using “generally accepted medical treatment.” The employee’s wellness following the injury is subsequently “as good as it can get,” which typically results in termination of TTD (“temporary total disability”) workers’…
Read MoreThe Different Types of Traumatic Brain Injury
Just about any kind of serious accident can lead to a traumatic brain injury, called a TBI for short. Whether caused by a motor vehicle crash, a slip and fall, or an on-the-job accident, a brain injury can cause severe side effects and complications long after the initial incident occurred. These symptoms can include things…
Read MoreBig Trucks and the Dangers of Hydroplaning
With the winter weather arriving in Alabama, motorists are at the risk of inclement weather conditions. Even though we rarely have to worry about snowy highways and roads, we do see a lot of storms and rain. One of the biggest dangers of wet roadways is something called “hydroplaning,” which is something that occurs when…
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