Huntsville Road Rash Lawyers
Accomplished advocacy when motorcycle riders suffer road rash
All vehicle accidents risk serious injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and broken bones. One injury that is generally unique to motorcycle accidents is road rash. Road rash happens when a rider falls off their motorcycle and slides along the asphalt, injuring their exposed skin. At Martin & Helms, we have more than 25 years of experience holding drivers accountable for motorcycle accidents and the injuries they cause. Call us now if you or a loved one is suffering from road rash due to a motorcycle accident or any comparable accident, such as a bicycle accident.
Common questions about road rash
- What is road rash?
- How do motorcycle accidents cause road rash in Huntsville?
- What safety gear should be worn to prevent/limit road rash?
- What are the different degrees of road rash?
- What are the treatments for road rash in Huntsville?
- Who is liable for accidents that cause road rash?
- Do you have a Huntsville road rash lawyer near me?
What is road rash?
Motorcycle accidents are the most common cause of road rash. Road rash can also occur if you have a bicycle accident or if you fall for any reason.
According to USA Motorcycling, road rash (also known as gravel rush or friction burn) occurs when your skin rubs against an abrasive surface such as asphalt, concrete, or gravel when a motorcycle accident causes you to fall on the road. The severity of the road rash depends on the length of the exposure (how long you slide along the road), how much skin is exposed, the depth of the rash, and other factors. Due to the risk of infection, nerve damage, shock, scarring, and other trauma, road rash requires immediate medical attention.
According to Very Well Health, victims of road rash have skin that looks raw and may bleed.
According to Medical News Today, road rash “can be more painful than a puncture wound because it affects more nerve endings.” Deep road rash can affect the dermis (the second layer of skin). Road rash may include foreign objects, such as gravel, dirt, or glass, in the wound, bruises, broken bones, and damage to the tendons, nerves, or blood vessels.
A severe consequence of road rash is a “traumatic tattoo” that can cause permanent scars and discoloration.
An infection can cause blood poisoning, which requires immediate medical care to prevent the victim from dying.
How do motorcycle accidents cause road rash in Huntsville?
Our Huntsville motorcycle accident lawyers work with the police and investigators to show how a motorcycle accident caused your road rash injury. Any motorcycle accident that causes a rider to fall off their motorcycle onto the highway or road surface can cause road rash. Motorcycle accidents include head-on crashes, rear-end crashes, intersection accidents, broadsides, single-vehicle accidents, and many other types of accidents.
Many motorcycle accidents occur because the driver of a car or truck fails to see your motorcycle or respect your right to be on the road.
What safety gear should be worn to prevent/limit road rash?
Riders in Huntsville are often more likely to have road rash injuries than people in colder climates because local riders tend to wear short-sleeve shirts and shorts that expose their arms and legs – instead of wearing pants, long-sleeve shirts, and jackets. Gloves can also help prevent road rash on your hands.
What are the different degrees of road rash?
According to Medical News Today, abrasions “can be linear (such as when they are due to a scratch) or appear in groups (as a result of dragging the skin over an uneven surface). In some cases, the road rash wound can even take on the pattern of whatever it was that damaged the skin.”
According to USA Motorcycling, there are three degrees of road rash:
- First-degree road rash. This degree of road rash is essentially a “friction-related injury.” There are no foreign objects. They’re comparable to dragging your soft skin across the carpet. The symptoms include redness, swelling, slight bleeding, pain at the site of the road rash, and a stinging or burning sensation. Without immediate treatment, first-degree road rash can cause infections and scarring.
- Second-degree road rash. This degree of road rash occurs “when the top layer of skin [the epidermis] is scraped off, exposing the second layer of skin [the dermis].” Symptoms include swelling, redness, blisters, slight bleeding, and intense pain. Like first-degree road rash, immediate medical care is essential.
- Third-degree road rash. Third-degree road rash “occurs when the skin is completely torn away, exposing all the layers of skin, muscle, bone, and other underlying tissue.” Additionally, the victim may suffer extremely painful musculoskeletal ailments such as spinal cord injuries and fractures. Symptoms include excessive bleeding, severe pain, the risk of infection, deep wounds, permanent nerve damage, and possible broken bones. The wound may be black or brown and have a foul odor. Without treatment, road rash can cause permanent scarring, may necessitate amputation, and may cause other severe injuries.
What are the treatments for road rash in Huntsville?
The treatments vary depending on the degree, severity, and location of the wound. Your doctor should conduct a physical exam. They may order X-rays and other imaging tests, as well as blood tests and cultures.
Minor cases of road rash, after a complete examination for infections and other disorders, include various first-aid treatments such as wound-cleaning, proper dressings, and medications such as pain medications and antibiotics for infections. Your doctor should inquire about your most recent tetanus shot.
For more severe cases, reconstructive surgery may be necessary. Skin grafting is a common surgery for severe cases of road rash. This procedure uses healthy skin from another part of your body (such as the inside of your thigh or your buttocks) and grafts that skin onto the injured area – with the use of staples, stitches, and padded dressings. With time, “new blood vessels grow to help new skin cells form and heal the wound.”
Plastic surgery may also be used to help with the appearance of any discoloration (the traumatic tattoos we discuss above, scarring, and disfigurement.” Plastic surgery can help a road rash victim regain their confidence.
Who is liable for accidents that cause road rash?
At Martin & Helms, we file motorcycle accident claims against all responsible parties, including:
- Car, truck, motorcycle, and other vehicle drivers
- Employers of negligent drivers
- The owners of the vehicles, if different than the drivers
- Manufacturers of defective motorcycle parts
- Any other responsible parties.
We also file personal injury claims against all other responsible parties if road rash is due to a bicycle accident, a fall, or other causes.
Do you have a Huntsville road rash lawyer near me?
Martin & Helms meets clients at our office located in Huntsville at 2317 Market Place SW, Suite A, Huntsville, AL 35801. We also conduct online telephone consultations. If your road rash prevents you from coming to our office, we will make alternate arrangements.
Our lawyers will guide you through each step of your claim.
Talk with our experienced Huntsville road rash lawyers now
At Martin & Helms, we understand how traumatic road rash injuries can be. We hold liable defendants accountable for your medical bills, pain and suffering, loss of income, scarring and disfigurement, property damage, and other financial and personal damages. Call our Huntsville motorcycle accident lawyers or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation. We also serve clients in Decatur, Athens, and Madison, as well as throughout North Alabama.