Huntsville Truck Accident Lawyers

Determined to win for clients injured in tractor-trailer accidents throughout the state

Truck drivers are professionals who work long days against tough deadlines imposed by their employers or shippers while operating a massive machine, often under less-than-ideal circumstances. If the truck driver is ever impaired by alcohol, drugs, or fatigue, these huge tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, or semi-trucks can wreak havoc, causing catastrophic injuries and death if there is an accident.

At Martin & Helms, our work is to protect the rights of those who have been injured in trucking accidents. Our Huntsville truck accident lawyers offer a free consultation. We take cases on contingency, so you do not pay attorney fees unless we recover compensation for you.

Truck accidents in Alabama

TripNet reported a rise in truck accidents in recent years in Alabama and across the country. From 2017 to 2021, large-truck-related deaths rose from 4,906 to 5,788 nationally. The vast majority of those fatalities involved occupants of other vehicles, like cars and SUVs, pedestrians, or cyclists. Just one in five of the deaths involved a truck occupant.

Alabama Trucking found that Alabama’s fatal truck crash rate is slightly lower than the national average. While the number of deadly crashes on average is 1.45 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT), the rate in Alabama is 1.14 per (VMT). One encouraging factor is that the national rate, while still too high, has dropped 73% since 1975, when the U.S. Department of Transportation started to record such events.

Primary cause of all crashes with truck involvement

ALDOT reports on the causes of truck crashes. However, the report states that the causation does not infer which vehicle or driver was at fault in the resulting collisions. Here are the top ten primary crash causes, as listed by the ALDOT:

  • Improper Lane Change or Use
  • Failed to Yield Right of Way
  • Unseen Object, Person, or Vehicle
  • Tailgating
  • Misjudged Stopping Distance
1,640 | 15.7%
1,027 | 9.8%
791 | 7.6%
764 | 7.3%
467 | 4.5%
  • Defective Equipment
  • Improper Backing
  • Crossed Median/Center Line
  • Improper Turn
  • Avoiding Animals/Persons
447 | 4.3%
442 | 4.2%
341 | 3.3%
289 | 3.7%
267 | 3.5%

The full list, including other contributing causes, is available at the ALDOT website.

Examples of different types of truck accidents

There are many different types of truck accidents that can take place on highways throughout Alabama. The following are some examples of truck accidents that can cause injury and fatalities:

  • Rear end collision
  • Truck rollover
  • Jackknife accidents
  • Head-on collisions
  • Broadside crash
  • Underride accidents
  • Lost load
  • Blind spot crash
  • Wide turn accidents

Forms of negligence that cause truck accidents

Most motor vehicle accidents of any kind are a result of driver error, which is almost always negligence. Whether the party that caused the accident was distracted by using a cell phone, impaired by the drugs he or she took to keep awake so he or she could drive longer, or if the truck was not properly maintained, all of these are some form of negligence:

  • Unbalanced load
  • Pressure to meet tight deadlines
  • Defective equipment such as brakes, tires & steering
  • Insufficient driver training
  • Driver inexperience

Other causes of truck accidents include:

  • Defective road conditions
  • Bad weather
  • Mechanical failure

Common truck accident injuries

If you are injured in a truck accident, a Huntsville truck accident lawyer from Martin & Helms is ready to protect your right to recover compensation from any type of injury including:

  • Bone fractures
  • Burns
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Amputation/limb loss

Potential defendants in a truck wreck case

There are different parties who could be liable for your injuries in the event of a truck accident:

What can a trucking accident lawyer do to help my case?

Truck accident cases are challenging, as you are going up against a commercial operation with several potential insurance policies with much higher limits than with a passenger vehicle crash. Because of that, trucking companies, fleet operators, equipment manufacturers, and other possible defendants' insurance companies have teams of lawyers who are determined to pay out as little as possible. What your experienced Huntsville truck accident attorney will do for you is to guard against those claims adjusters who do their best to minimize your claim. Here are just a few of the things that your truck accident lawyer will do to help ensure that you win.

  • Wreck scene investigation
  • Gathering evidence from trucking company records
  • Obtaining police reports
  • Communicating with witnesses
  • Negotiating with the insurance companies
  • Filing a lawsuit when necessary to obtain the best outcome for you

We investigate the accident, determine who is at fault, and hold them responsible for your injuries. With more than 45 years of combined legal experience, we are here to take on the legal burden for you.

How much does it cost to hire a Huntsville truck accident lawyer?

If you are already facing serious injuries after surviving a truck accident, you do not want to worry about how you will be able to afford the help of an experienced truck accident lawyer to help you pursue the compensation that is due to you. At Martin & Helms, our truck accident attorneys accept injury cases on contingency.  You do not pay attorney fees until we have recovered compensation for you.

Our attorney fees will be a percentage of the jury verdict or settlement amount. All the details of our fee agreement will be discussed at the initial consultation. So, you can rest assured that you are receiving the care and attention and the strong representation of our truck accident legal team without being required to pay for it in advance.

Helping clients and their families move forward after a truck accident in Alabama

If you have been involved in a truck accident, you may have serious injuries, or you could be dealing with the death of a loved one because of someone else’s negligence. The experienced Huntsville truck accident attorneys at Martin & Helms are dedicated to pursuing justice for you. Please give us a call at 256-858-7943 or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation to learn about your legal options. We also serve injured clients in Decatur, Athens, Madison, and throughout the state.

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