Negligent Security for Landowners in Alabama

Picture this: A customer leaves a shopping center after picking up some new clothes and a couple of much-needed essentials. As they enter the parking lot, they notice how dark everything is – even the car outlines are partly blending into the night. They can’t see security guards anywhere and start to feel worried, as…

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How Can I Keep My Kids Safe at the Pool?

Summer is in full swing, and temperatures are high. One of the most fun ways to cool off with the family is swimming in a pool, whether public or the one in your own backyard. A classic summertime activity, it is unfortunately also a dangerous one if the correct precautions and safety measures are not…

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Are Homeowners Liable When Independent Contractors Get Hurt?

This month, the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of renowned singer Johnny Mathis in a lawsuit filed by Mathis’s former window cleaner. Mathis hired the window cleaner for years to help keep the skylight on his roof clean. In 2012, the owner of the window cleaning service, Luis Gonzalez, was instructed by Mathis’s housekeeper…

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Who Is Responsible for Crumbling, Cracked Sidewalks and Walkways?

Crumbling concrete, cracked sidewalks, and uneven surfaces are ugly, and they can be dangerous. When pedestrians are walking down the street, they have the right to do so without constantly worrying about an uneven or cracked sidewalk that can cause them to trip, slip, and possibly endure injuries that can keep them hospitalized and even…

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Filing a Lawsuit for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning is extremely dangerous. The CO compound doesn’t have an odor. Survivors may suffer long-term brain damage. CO is dangerous because it takes the place of oxygen in your bloodstream. It is also a poison which can cause damage to cells and to the immune system. According to the Centers for Disease Control…

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