All About Accidents and Soft Tissue Injuries

Dealing with a sprained ankle can be just as painful as dealing with a fractured bone. Pain is pain. Further, if the sprained ankle is not treated immediately, this type of soft tissue injury can easily become serious and long-term if not taken seriously. When your muscles, tendons, nerves, or ligaments experience trauma, you have…

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How Effective Are Motorcycle Crash Bars?

In most vehicles, there are safety measures in place that help to protect the passengers should the car or truck get into an accident. One vehicle that doesn’t have this type of protection, however, is a motorcycle. Helmets and protective clothing do help to reduce the severity of injuries to the motorcyclist should they be…

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I Was Hit by a Delivery Truck. What Are My Rights?

In a crash with another driver, it is not usually difficult to figure out who was liable. When you are in an accident with a delivery truck, however, determining who exactly is responsible for damages and injuries can be tough. It may be difficult to determine who the delivery truck belongs to, what company owns…

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New Updates to NCAP Five-Star Safety Rating Program Aim to Make Cars Safer

The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) has had the same five-star safety rating system in place for decades. This program, created to make cars safer for the public, is long overdue for improvements, and seeing how there have been vast technological and engineering advances since NCAP was created, it only makes sense that…

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Are OTC Drugs Like Tylenol Linked to ADHD and ASD?

You likely see these types of warnings on the bottles in your medicine cabinet all the time, whether it’s prescription drugs or over-the-counter medication. For example, the Tylenol packaging and website warns, “If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of your healthcare professional before using Tylenol or any other medication.” According…

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How Can I Keep My Kids Safe at the Pool?

Summer is in full swing, and temperatures are high. One of the most fun ways to cool off with the family is swimming in a pool, whether public or the one in your own backyard. A classic summertime activity, it is unfortunately also a dangerous one if the correct precautions and safety measures are not…

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Helping Alabama Families Affected by Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

Close to one million people, military personnel, and civilian workers were victims of contaminated water, which ran through taps at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina for almost 40 years from 1953 to 1987. Service men, women, and their children unknowingly drank, cooked with, and bathed in the toxic water that contained “specific volatile organic compounds…

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What You Should Know About Summertime Bike Accidents

The summer months typically see a rise in traffic accidents. North Alabama and other parts of the country often see a spike in drunk driving accidents during holiday weekends, and an increase in motorists taking road trips also means an increase in crashes. Tourists in Huntsville and Decatur who aren’t familiar with local roadways also…

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