Many Rural Hospitals in Alabama in Danger of Closing in the Wake of COVID-19

Beyond serving an obvious health and life-sustaining purpose, hospitals often provide a key infusion of economic activity within rural communities. Many rural hospitals in Alabama and across the nation were in jeopardy prior to the spread of the coronavirus. The current COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences are likely to make that situation even more…

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Ways to Stay Active and Mentally Sharp while Sheltering in Place

Regardless of the state in which you live, during this current coronavirus outbreak, you have likely been asked – or more accurately, forced – to abide by social distancing guidelines and remain at home as much as possible. At the beginning of the outbreak, the idea of staying home and even working from home may…

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What You Should Know Before Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Accidents happen for all sorts of reasons. People can be killed or hurt in a car, truck, or motorcycle crash. They can be injured due to a defective product such as defective drugs or due to a slip and fall on somebody’s property. Seniors can be injured due to nursing home abuse or neglect. In…

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The Consequences of Sustaining Nerve Damage in a Car Crash

The nervous system is essentially the body’s electrical wiring. Nerves transmit signals throughout the entire body, instructing the body to execute various functions. Neuropathic damage can prove debilitating in terms of overall health, as well as in the ability to enjoy day-to-day life. In a car crash, the nerves can be severed, stretched, crushed, or…

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What You Should Know about Merging Accidents

With thousands of motor vehicle accidents happening across the country each year, some of these accidents to occur when drivers are attempting to merge into a lane from a different section of the road. Some Huntsville merging accidents involve two vehicles, while others may involve multiple vehicles. Merging accidents, also called lane change accidents, often…

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What You Need to Know About Motorcycle Accidents

Thousands of accidents occur each day on roads across the country, some of which involve motorcyclists. While any type of accident is a bad thing, motorcycle accidents are often more catastrophic than the average car accident. The impact of a vehicle crashing into a motorcycle could send a motorist in the air, causing them to…

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Marijuana Use and Driving in Alabama

Currently, the personal use of marijuana is a misdemeanor in Alabama with possible penalties of a year in jail and a $6,000 fine. The sale, cultivation, and trafficking in marijuana is a felony. But this may change in the coming months, as the state is considering legalizing the medical use of marijuana. But should they?…

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Debunking Three Common Myths about Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking is a serious problem in the United States. People of all ages, races, nationalities, and economic backgrounds are being abducted (or conned) into sexual slavery, and forced to perform sexual acts in exchange for money that their captors collect. Understanding the urban legends and myths of sex trafficking is important because it can…

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