Vaping Illness or the Flu? Knowing the Difference Can Save Your Life

A growing number of people are suddenly experiencing symptoms of vaping illness. These symptoms are similar to the symptoms that people experience when they have the flu. If an individual regularly uses a vape and suddenly experiences such symptoms, he or she may assume that they are coming down with the flu when they are…

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Injury Claims for Truck Drivers

It’s common in truck accident cases to focus on the injuries or deaths to the occupants of other vehicles and to pedestrians. This is because, in most truck accident cases, cars and pedestrians are no match for the size and bulk of a truck. Still, there are many times when the truck driver is injured.…

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How Can You Help Your Personal Lawyer Prepare Your Personal Injury Case?

At Martin & Helms, our Huntsville personal injury lawyers have been helping victims of negligence and wrongdoing get justice for years. We work with investigators, product safety engineers, your doctors, and others, when necessary, to help prepare your case for negotiation and trial. As much as we advise clients and help them prepare, sometimes the…

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Filing a Lawsuit for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning is extremely dangerous. The CO compound doesn’t have an odor. Survivors may suffer long-term brain damage. CO is dangerous because it takes the place of oxygen in your bloodstream. It is also a poison which can cause damage to cells and to the immune system. According to the Centers for Disease Control…

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Car Accidents and Injuries to the Spine

Car accidents are a leading cause of spine and spinal cord injuries. The spinal column is divided into 3 sections: cervical (neck), thoracic (upper back), and lumbar spine (lower back). It includes muscles, tissues, vertebra, tendons, and ligaments. Injuries to any part of the spine can cause extreme pain and loss of mobility. The spinal…

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Improving Drugged Driving Testing & Prosecution in Alabama

We’re certainly all aware of the dangers of drinking and driving. However, drug-impaired driving (or driving under the influence) is rapidly becoming a big problem on our highways – particularly with the rise in opioid abuse and recreational marijuana. However, one of the major issues with prosecuting drugged drivers is that many fast-metabolizing drugs can…

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The Signs of Human Trafficking

The stories are crushing. “I was just blindly…I just…was just going along with going there. And, the hospital recognized me as a trafficked victim. And, they asked me ‘Ma’am, have you been trafficked? Are you being trafficked currently?’ And, I just remember breaking into tears, and just crying, and like…just, finally someone had a name…

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Should I Hire an Attorney for My Car Accident Claim?

If you’ve ever been involved in a car accident, then you know how much of a nightmare they can be. You not only have to deal with the damage to your car (or any other property that was damaged), but the physical and emotional injuries you sustained. If you had passengers, it can complicate things…

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